Sonntag, 2. November 2014

Austrian National Day in Seoul

For Tuesday, the 21st of October I was invited by the Austrian Embassy to the official Austria National Celebration at the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Hotel Seoul. This event promised to be a musically interesting one, the childhood violin of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was announced to be played.

The musical program was indeed a fine one. Especially the eight year old Ko, Soltyun who played the Mozart violin was outstanding. She was accompanied by Dr. Johannes Honsig-Erlenburg, President of the Mozarteum Foundation. They presented music by Mozart and Johann Sebastian Bach.

The rich buffet brought some delicious long missed Austrian specialities, like Erdäpfelpüree, Liptauer or Kaiserschmarrn with Zwetschkenröster. The Executive Chef of the Hyatt Hotel, Stefan Mörth is Austrian, therefore authenticity was guarenteed. 

interiour of the Great Ballroom

The Austrian Abassador Dr. Elisabeth Bertagnoli and the Governor of Salzburg, Dr. Wilfried Haslauer

elegant visitor
Ko, Soltyun before the performance


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